Friday, September 28, 2012

I've figured it out...

... I'm a really bad blogger because I kick butt at writing in my journal.


I can fill up an average size journal (about 250 pages) in no more than four months. I've been writing in journals since I can remember. I can remember my first journal from when I was about 4 years old: it was this Lisa Frank journal with a lock on it. Don't know what Lisa Frank's designs look like? You must not be a child of the 90's. Let me give you an idea.

(notice that gypsy pig fortune teller one? What in the world...)
I promise have better taste now. 

I write in a lot of detail in my own journal and don't have the energy most days to re-create another entry for the blog.

So here's what I'm going to do. I have a few of my journals from the past 10 years of my life with me here in Logan. At least once a week I'll post an entry from one of my journals (names will be changed to protect the innocent, and maybe not so innocent...). And of course I'll try to keep up on the most recent happenings of my life, because there have been a lot. Good, bad, definitely ugly, and definitely hilarious... Like getting trapped in a bathroom stall because someone parked one of those handicapped cruisers right up against the door of the stall I was in. Not cool. 

We'll see how this works out for the next little while. This could be really funny or really bad. Ha.

1 comment:

  1. That has been my problem with blogging! I am happy that you are a journal writer. Not sure how to explain why, but I am a huge advocate of it. Hope to see you soon!
