Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Cure for a Nationwide Epidemic

In case you haven't noticed, there is a serious kicking epidemic in Football these days.
And I'm pretty sure the cure is having more guys like this.

Can we get him to Utah State, please?

Monday, October 15, 2012

"You'll shoot your eye out, kid!" and other weekend adventures.

(Actually, you'll probably shoot more than just your eye out with the gun we were using -  It definitely wasn't a Red Ryder BB gun.)

On Saturday I had an 8 AM meeting and then work until 3.
Which was fun.
But not really.

I went on a double date that was real fun though! Tim and I, and Jake and Audrey wet to a shooting range and shot with Tim's gun. The guys showed off (naturally), but Audrey and I were a bit rusty. We each took turns shooting clay pigeons. I felt like I was doing the walk of shame back to everyone if I didn't hit one. But I finally did! In fact, I hit 6. And I brought fruit-roll-ups to share as a snack for everyone. I'm so thoughtful.
Matching Shrek ears and North Face jackets.

Jake helping out "Goddess Divine" aka: Audrey
We shot for a while and then went home to get ready to go to Salt Lake City to see the Opera Il Trovatore at the Capitol Theatre.

I imagine that for most people, when they hear the word opera they think of this:
or this:
( I LOVE Phantom, but please understand - this is NOT opera)

Well, the performance I went to was not like either of these things. 

There were some really beautiful moments and I love the story of Il Trovatore, and it's a Verdi opera so it's really lovely music. I think being a vocal performance major has turned me into a bit of a snob because I'm a little critical when I go to these kinds of things. I expect a lot. The tenor and the soprano leads weren't too bad, but the baritone and the mezzo were kicking some butt. We enjoyed it overall and we went and got In-n-Out afterwards which was the greatest. 

Guns, Opera, In-n-Out, and great people: it's a pretty good life

Us after the opera. (Sorry it's blurry, but it's the only one we got!)

Friday, October 12, 2012

I Will Rise

My dear friend Kristopher King passed away at the end of the summer right before school started this year. It was very sudden. Kris and I did our Junior Recital together this past Spring and went to China with the Chamber singers together in May. I could write so many things about our memories together and the profound impact that he had on me and on all that knew him.

My heart was so full yesterday. Kris's mother flew in for the Chamber Singers Fall concert last night and came to our rehearsal yesterday. It was such a sweet experience having her there and feeling of her love. Last night at the concert, one of the songs we sang was in memory of him. Kris was a scholarship student from Brooklyn and his story is incredible. Before the song, Dean Craig Jessop came up and told the story of how he met Kris and offered him a scholarship. Then he invited Deborah and the president of Utah State University President Albrecht up on stage and they presented her with Kris's diploma. Deborah said a few words and told us how Kris is the first person in her family to graduate from college.  The hall was packed and everyone gave her a standing ovation, it was a really incredible thing to be a part of. Needless to say tears shed by many including myself (and I'm not a cryer!), I thought I had shed enough when his mother was at our rehearsal, but sure enough, the floodgates were still wide open.

And then we had to sing.

Jared, Belen, and I were the soloists in this piece and it was definitely an emotional mountain to climb for us. But I'm grateful for the opportunity to join my voice my my friends (and I believe with Kris's) and provide comfort to a mother who's heart is broken. There was a little get together for Chamber Singers and Deborah right ofter the performance and we got to meet her and tell her experiences we had with Kris. That woman has a lot of love to give and being with her is like being with Kris, it was so great.

I'm just so grateful for the people I have met and been able to know here in Logan. It's a little overwhelming to think of all the experiences I've had and how much I have changed in the past few years all because of the people I have known and loved and that have loved me.

Let's all just love a little more, ok?

Last night's performance.
A friend in the audience recorded this. And I hope he doesn't mind that I'm using this.
 Thanks, K!